Presentation in Rome of the LIFE GoProFor: good practices for better forest management

Presentation in Rome of the LIFE GoProFor: good practices for better forest management
LIFE GoProFor aims to "distil" GOOD PRACTICES from LIFE projects of forest interest carried out throughout the European Union between 1992 and 2018.For good practice, in this case, we mean a tool for the application of nature conservation, in relation to forestry issues in the broad sense. The good practice must be validated, possibly through scientific evidence, described in detail and, therefore, perfectly replicable.

The themes of the good practices selected by the LIFE projects already implemented will be collected in 5 categories:
  • sustainable forest management
  • climate change mitigation
  • adaptation to climate change
  • nature conservation
  • conservation of biodiversity.
At the conference of 12 April in Rome, the work program, training and updating activities and good practices of some example projects will be presented. The meeting will conclude with a round table on how it will be possible to apply the good practices produced by LIFE in the management of the Natura 2000 forests as well as in the management of the Italian forest heritage.