Interventions favouring mixed and hydrogeologically stable stands

LIFE: Resilformed

RESILFORMED - Resilience to climate changes in mediterranean forests

LIFE11 ENV/IT/000215



Interventions of qualitative and quantitative improvement of the tree cover and of naturalistic engineering for a greater hydrogeological stability.

Sferlazza Sebastiano



To increase forest biodiversity in monospecific and sparse stands, creating the conditions for the development of mother plants of native species. Promote the establishment of soil-building species that ensure adequate levels of organic matter and ensure the improvement of the water supply.

Good Practice Description

The GP provides for the implementation of 2 types of intervention:

•        Introduction of small nuclei of autochthonous tree and shrub species with a buffer function around the most consistent tree nuclei;

•        Surface water management with small naturalistic engineering works aimed at interrupting or containing the surface runoff (creases, gratings, etc.).

Territorial Context

The forest ecosystems of Sicily are characterised by simplification and structural fragility, threatened by fires, grazing, irrational cuts and parasitic attacks. Climate change, together with improper forest management for those stands that grow in areas of greater fragility, constitute the main threat that the practice wants to tackle.

Replicability conditions

Silvicultural techniques, replicable anywhere when there are similar conditions and issues, in Mediterranean forests which are impoverished both in terms of specific composition and structure.

Dissemination material

From the LIFE GoProFor database, in the final part of the sheet, it is possible to download some material relating to the project, including the Layman's report and the final technical report of the project and the "Guidelines for assessing the resilience of Mediterranean forests to climate change".