Montecristo 2010: eradication of invasive alien floro-faunistic components and protection of species and habitats of the Tuscan Archipelago
LIFE08 NAT/IT/000353

Holm Oak indigenous formations on the island of Montecristo (Tuscany).
Quilghini Giovanni
Restoration of the Holm Oak (Quercus Ilex) formations, to increase the heterogeneity of the habitats and the specific biodiversity, produced starting from local material.
Good Practice Description
The protection of the Holm Oak envisages:
- the removal of the Tree-of-heaven (Ailantus altissima) (see the specific sheet);
- the reproduction of the Holm Oak (Quercus Ilex) starting from local material;
- the plant setting of the seedlings produced;
- the arrangement of specific fencings aimed at the exclusion of the fauna.
Following these interventions, inspections were regularly carried out to verify the good condition of the plants and to remedy any failures. In some cases, the implementation of drip irrigation systems was necessary to ensure the survival of the seedlings.
Territorial Context
Island of Montecristo (Italy- Tuscany): characterized by irregular morphology and an overall granite complexion. The vegetation cover is mainly formed by rockrose forests and a maquis which is dominated by Erica arborea, garigues and annual fields.
Replicability conditions
An equipped greenhouse is needed for the pre-germination of fruits and the selection of the best specimen for setting, as well as an efficient water supply system, necessary in the case an irrigation system is needed.
Dissemination material
In the final part of the good practice database, it is possible to download material related to the project, particularly a final publication entitled “LIFE + Montecristo 2010 Project” and the “Layman’s Report”.