Centre National de la Propriété Forestière

CNPF logoThe National Forestry Center (CNPF) is a public facility that serves forest owners: 3,5 million forest owners, 11 million hectares of forest, or about 20% of the national territory.
The CNPF contributes to the development of private forests through 11 regional centers (CRPF) and a research and development department, the Institute for Forest Development (IDF), qualified in the field of technical agricultural institutes.
In the GOPROFOR project, the CNPF will bring its expertise in the field of environment and biodiversity:
He was involved in the development of technical documents on Natura 2000, in particular through a Life project that coordinated: Habitat Recognition Guide, Management Guide.
Participates in the preparation of objectives documents for Natura 2000 sites, included recommendations for sustainable forest management in regional private forest management regimes (SRGS), developed a tool for the diagnosis of ordinary biodiversity of forests: the Index of Potential Biodiversity (IBP) used in France and in neighboring countries (Belgium, Switzerland and Germany) and which has been the subject of international communications.
The various actions of the CNPF are organized under a contract of objectives with the State (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry).


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